How We Can Help You
Worldwide Audience
ART AURUM draws a varied audience from around the globe, bringing your artwork closer to its potential new home
Proficient Advice
Your assigned expert will be there to assist you throughout the entire process, from establishing an appraisal to devising a sales plan.
Reduced Costs
Our expenses are more budget-friendly compared to other auction platforms, allowing you to maximize your earnings with each sale.
Versatility and Ease
Your artworks remain in your possession until they find a buyer, at which point our reliable shipping partners take care of the handling.
How It operates:
We work hard every day to make our clients' lives better and happier
Fill out a brief questionnaire, and our specialists will get in touch with you.
Share essential details and provide images of the artwork you intend to sell.
Our team will carefully assess your submission and you can anticipate a response within 10 business days.
Benefit from ongoing support and advice from our team throughout the entire process, from pre-sale to post-sale.
Once your artwork finds a buyer, you can expect to receive your payment.
Want to sell some arts?
Answer the questions about the project, and our manager will get in touch during the day.
Estimated total value of the collection
Do you have a specific deadline?
What specific services do you require?
Please provide any additional details or preferences regarding the sale of your art collection.
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